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Sunday, 10 July 2011

7 times down, 8 times up!

By Tan

Before starting my CrossFit journey, I was leading an extremely unhealthy life. I was overweight all through my school years, until turning 20 and deciding that this wasn’t a healthy life, or a life I wanted for myself.

After losing over 40kgs in 2009, I got too used to the weight loss and spent the first half of 2010 living on a packet of chicken noodle soup a day, hoping to keep the weight coming off. Every day activities were a struggle, so when a friend in Brisbane excitedly informed me that a CrossFit box was starting up in Tassie, I was more than a little hesitant.

I’d heard her talk about CrossFit for months, but shrugged it off as it sounded insane! Burpees? Pull ups? Olympic lifting? Pfft, no thanks. I’ll stick to my yoga and chicken noodle soup; after all, it was working so well, right? But her excitement and insistence that I try this CrossFit thing continued, and I decided I’d go along to the first session just so I could say ‘I went, it sucked, enough about it already!’ But things went a little different than expected..........

.................So I came back again, and again, and again. I felt uncoordinated as I tried to skip, I felt weak using a PVC pipe for my lifts, and I felt slow in all my runs. Very, very slowly things improved, but my diet stayed the same and slowed my progress. I decided I needed to eat more, but this led to even more disordered eating. If I felt I ate too much (after consuming only chicken noodle soup for months, everything felt like too much) I’d have to purge it from my system immediately. This also slowed my progress, as my body wasn’t receiving the fuel it needed for energy and recovery...........

..........I’ve done so many things that I never would have imagined doing before CrossFit, whether it be travelling to Brisbane for my first CrossFit competition, or competing in a muddy but awesome obstacle course. I’ve met so many awesome people this past year, and feel privileged training with them at every session, and love that they put up with me some days (especially Stephy!).................


  1. Oh how things have changed. I still remember those packets of chicken noodle soup (just add hot water!) the thought just makes me cringe now..

    Haven't posted my intake for a while, so here's my catch-up post. Had a rocky weekend...

    Friday 8th
    7am: 3 eggs, garlic butter, tuna
    11:15am: celery, almond butter
    1:30pm: tuna and red onion
    7pm: bacon, eggs, avocado, tomato, coconut oil
    10pm: frozen grapes

    Saturday 9th
    8:30am: bacon and fruit salad
    1:30pm: grapes
    6pm: kangaroo sausages, pumpkin, coconut milk, garlic butter

    Sunday 10th
    3am: bacon, eggs, avocado, tomato, coconut oil, garlic butter
    7pm: homemade sweet potato and pumpkin soup, coconut water

    Completely random weekend eating. Grapes on Saturday were a quick grab at the supermarket before heading to the movies, and today I slept. A lot. Had a chinese massage this arvo which made me nauseous as always, so didn't feel like eating.

    The frozen grapes are an awesome treat, I usually just put a small handful in a 'sandwich' bag then chuck in the freezer.

    Hope everyone else is going great with their clean eating/dry July!

  2. From Ash

    That is a fantastic transformation, well done.
    There are so many great ppl @ CrossFit each with a different story of what has led us to CrossFit 42s or CFWX, but 1 thing is the same, we keep coming back, getting fitter, stronger, healthier, because CrossFit is not just a gym its a way of life.
    I'm proud to call my self a CrossFiter.

  3. You have come so far Tan... you should be proud of what you have achieved - its inspirational!!

  4. Thats my Russian Carpet Snake!
