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Monday, 4 July 2011

The African Way

By Alice

Some of you may know me and some of you not. I only started Crossfit in April/May but have been well educated about the community and the Paleo diet for a good six months! Thank you Adam. I have recently been on holiday in Africa for two and a half weeks and whilst there I saw first-hand, hunter gatherers and clean eating. But I also saw the effect the western world and its processed food is having on these people and not for the better. African women have beautiful figures and beautiful bottoms but due to the introduction of big chain fast food companies and supermarkets many Africans are now developing large not so beautiful midlines! Men included. African village people in more built up areas or towns still live in grass huts and have their own gardens and farm goats, pigs and cattle to make a living. Unfortunately these are the people that often end up spending their money on candy, crisps and fast food because they believe these are fabulous and if you can eat like this you are richer or better person! Many people are losing land and cannot afford to live because of this. Market stalls that contained coconuts, bananas and fresh produce have been replaced by Twisties, Sweets and Kitkats. I visited the local supermarket a few times and I have never seen a bigger packet of biscuits it was larger than my airplane carry on bag! I think it was a 1500g pack. Africans have been hunter gatherers for hundreds of thousands of years and as we learn in Anna’s nutrition classes we are not built to eat these foods, yet the powers that be are shoving it down our necks all over the world. South Africa has the 4th largest hospital in the world surrounded by shanty housing and around 2million annual patients! (500,000 people live in Tassie!)
On a happier note I was lucky enough to visit and experience more traditional cultural villages inland Mozambique and Zimbabwe, where they still hunt for food, majority with spear or traps and some still in loin cloth. They grow their own vegetables and these are the happiest people I have ever met. They live by the phrase ‘Hakuna Matata’ (There are no worries). They have dirt floors and thatch their roof from grass or coconut palm leaves, money means nothing but good produce and hunting means everything. When they catch a large animal they gather from far and wide to consume it! They call themselves “meatatarians”. The only time they travel to see a health professional is to vaccinate their children. This is usually a 10hr return walk!
If I have taken anything away from this trip it is to not take anything for granted. People or produce. Appreciate the people and land around you. Drummond previously mentioned that we are lucky to have such quality local produce. Eating this produce not only improves your quality of life but also promotes a cycle. The more you give the more you get. The more we give to our local farmers and purchase their produce hopefully in turn there will be more available…….. Or grab a fence pale - fix a spear, don some wallaby skin and hunt your own!

My favourite meal whilst away: Beef sausage, Pork sausage, Beef sirloin steak, African fowl (chicken), Ostrich, Water Buffalo, Kingfish, Warthog and Stir fry vegies. Yummo!


  1. Awesome post Alice, what a great experience that must have been! Ostrich, buffalo and warthog all sound very interesting (and tasty!)

    Today's intake:
    7am: 2 eggs, garlic butter, turkey bolognese (leftovers)
    10am: raw cauliflower and broccoli, almond butter
    11am: carrot sticks, almond butter
    1:20pm: turkey bolognese (last night's leftovers)
    8pm: pork chop, pumpkin, garlic butter, coconut milk, lettuce

    Hungrier today than normal, maybe it was the weather or the 20L bottles of metho I had to move around at work, I'm not sure.

    Had a question on Facebook about where I get my almond butter from. I usually grab it from Nature's Works when I get coconut oil, but Coles and Woolworths also sell it. You should be able to pick up a jar for under $10 and it lasts a while, well, depending on how much you're having that is! I know NW also sell hazelnut and cashew butter. There should be no added ingredients either, just 100% almonds. May be labeled as 'almond spread' also, but will just be 100% almonds as well.

    Unfortunately I've left my jar at my other work today, so will have to find something else for tomorrow! How is everyone else going?

  2. Cool read!
    I decided to log everything I ate today and throw it into the tracker. Here's my results;

    I've also "discovered" coconut milk today, quite a good calorie filler!

  3. Wow Alice what a fantastic post, really interesting observations regarding the impact of globalisation on local diet in the communities you visited. Your favourite dinner looks like a safari on a plate!

    Talking of native animals, I served up the wallaby sausages for dinner on monday night after busting out 'Jack' at CF42S. I cooked them in a hot fry pan with butter and added steamed asparagus, spinach, boiled egg and sour cream. Verdict: big thumbs up! Clean, simple meaty flavour.

    Alli sorry can not help you on snack ideas, I've asked my friend Kimmy to do a post as she makes wicked paleo snacks including cheese and almond biscuits and beef jerky.

    Sheree interesting question regarding what constitutes processed/refined - hopefully we'll get people's thoughts on this when you do your post!

    The rest of monday's intake
    0800 1 litre water
    0845 1/2 tub sour cream
    1045 Post WOD vomit (my first!)
    1115 Coffee
    1300 2xboiled eggs, cheese & avocado, 1 lt water
    1930 Dinner as above

    Tuesday's intake
    0800 1 lt water
    0930 Full fat coffee adn 2x boiled eggs
    1100 Full fat coffee
    1200 Full fat coffee
    1430 Scotch fillet steak, mustard, sour cream and kale + 1 lt water
    1930 200g ham and full fat mixed berry yoghurt
    2200 Full fat coffee
    0115 Full fat coffee and cheese
    0315 Full fat coffee and cheese

    I dont know how cave man survived night duty without coffee! Better go and get some babies fed - post coming soon on breastfeeding, the earliest form of clean eating!
