By Drummond
In CrossFit we use the term “goat” to describe a movement which we suck at or have a strong distaste for. It is usually the weakest link in our athletic chain. It may be double-unders, overhead squats or even running.
The diligent athlete recognises that working your strengths is easy and that true athleticism is found by systematically destroying your “goat”.
But how easy it is to stay in the comfort zone and just work what you are good at.
The athlete must grapple with his or her ego, swallow their pride and find the required discipline to truly concur their “goat”.
I have seen tears, sweat and even blood on occasion from the athlete who is focused on task of illuminating that “goat”.
So why is it that we seldom give the same effort to seeking and destroying our “nutrition goat”?
A “nutrition goat” is that mid-afternoon chocolate bar, that piece of cake you just can’t say no to or that packet of biscuits after a stressful day at work.
A good coach can break the most complicated movements into progressions where mastery of subordinate skills must be achieved before proceeding to the more advance skills.
I would not teach you the squat clean before first giving you exposure to the front squat. I would not have you attempt a muscle-up before firstly showing you ring-dips.
This same logic should be applied to your nutrition.
I am not concerned with your omega 3/omega 6 balance if you are drinking 3 cans of diet coke a day. I’m not concerned by the type of potato you eat if you are having coco pops for breakfast.
Identify the weakest link in your nutrition chain, apply the required discipline and effort to your goats first and advance through the progressions. You’ll soon be on the journey to a clean diet.
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